
06 APRIL 2022
ZapSibNeftekhim becomes first in Russia to produce maleic anhydride

The new MAN facility located at ZapSibNeftekhim in Tobolsk produced its first tonnes of commercial MAN. In late March, it was presented to Russian manufacturers of construction materials and fuel components for homologation.

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31 MARCH 2022
SIBUR announces the start of Green Formula

SIBUR kicked off the Green Formula forestation initiative. In 2022, we intend to plant over one million trees in five regions of operation, increasing this number to at least five million by 2025. We also expect to pilot issuing carbon units at our carbon monitoring site in the Voronezh Region.

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16 MARCH 2022
SIBUR announces changes in the Company’s governance structure

Dmitry Konov steps down as the Chairman of PSJC SIBUR Holding’s Management Board, from PJSC SIBUR Holding’s Board of Directors, and from the Management Boards at PJSC SIBUR Holding and SIBUR LLC.

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22 FEBRUARY 2022
SIBUR to repay NWF loan ahead of time

The funds will be repaid as part of the early repayment mechanism developed by the Russian Ministry of Finance for the NWF loans

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International Media Relations
  • Anna Lebed
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Latest News

03 FEBRUARY 2022
SIBUR runs a survey to identify material topics for its 2021 Integrated Report
SIBUR is polling stakeholders to identify material topics for SIBUR Holding’s 2021 Integrated Report. This report will present the results of our core business and our business methods while also providing insights into corporate governance, social and environmental practices.
13 JANUARY 2022
SIBUR adopts Diversity and Inclusion Policy
At the end of 2021, SIBUR's Board of Directors approved the Diversity and Inclusion Policy. It consolidates the key D&I principles and approaches, signifying another milestone in the implementation of the Company's Sustainable Development Strategy.
12 JANUARY 2022
SIBUR’s speciality chemical tech used in premium basic polymer production goes international
SIBUR has partnered with the global engineering company Technip Energies to licence out its technology for producing 1-hexene, a co-monomer used to make LLDPE and HDPE. The technology, known as HEXSIB, was developed by NIOST – one of SIBUR’s main R&D centres.
23 DECEMBER 2021
On changes to PAO SIBUR Holding Board of Directors
On 17 December, SIBUR Holding held an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders. The shareholders elected a new Board.
17 DECEMBER 2021
SIBUR receives MSCI ESG rating upgrade
In late November, MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International) released the results of its assessment of companies’ resilience to industry material environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risks. Since last year, SIBUR has improved its rating by one notch from BB to BBB.
15 DECEMBER 2021
Vivilen compound containing recycled polymers to be used in manufacturing new packaging for Tikkurila Euro paints
SIBUR's Vivilen material containing recycled plastic feedstock will be used in the packaging for the TIKKURILA™ (part of PPG) Euro line of paints manufactured in Russia by Mir Upakovki. Eco-labels on the packaging will inform customers that it was made of recycled materials.
09 DECEMBER 2021
SIBUR retains high CDP scores in 2021
On 7 December 2021, Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) published its A List of environmental leaders. Over 13,000 companies from all over the world disclosed through CDP and were scored. In 2021, SIBUR kept its B score (management level), which is above the global average.
08 DECEMBER 2021
Amur Gas Chemical Complex secures project financing
Amur Gas Chemical Complex LLC, hereinafter “AGCC”, has agreed and signed loan documents to finance the completion of AGCC’s construction. AGCC will act as the borrower; SIBUR and Sinopec will be sponsors proportional to their stakes (60/40, respectively) in the joint venture (JV).
02 DECEMBER 2021
SIBUR updates its ESG goals under 2025 Strategy
SIBUR’s Board of Directors has approved amendments to the 2025 Sustainable Development Strategy. The Company maintains focus on mitigating the climate impact and developing circular economy, while also taking on more ambitious green commitments and expanding the range of diversity and inclusiveness goals.
01 DECEMBER 2021
SIBUR updates organisational model of its plastics and rubber business
The merger of SIBUR’s and TAIF’s historical assets resulted in an exponential growth of plastics, elastomers and organic synthesis business in terms of absolute volume of production, range and applications of products. The Company believes that this offers a great potential for further development. To that end, a decision has been made to divide the Plastics, Elastomers and Organic Synthesis Division into two standalone business units both supervised by Sergey Komyshan, SIBUR’s Management Board member and Executive Director.