Competitive procedures (B2B / SAP SRM)

B2B (click here) – established platform (procurement of services)
search available for unregistered users

SAP SRM (click here) – a new platform, used for procuring all equipment, materials, and chemical products; (qualifying for materials and equipment procurement)
once registered, you will automatically receive notifications of new procedures by e-mail
To register on SAP SRM, click here.

B2B-Center (click here) – backup online marketplace (procurement of services).

TICONTRACT (click here) – backup electronic platform (procurement of logistics services).

The web sites,, and are the Internet sites officially used by SIBUR Holding PJSC and its subsidiaries (SIBUR) for their procurement activities.

The copying by third parties of SIBUR information related to SIBUR procurement activities on any other websites or other Internet resources (the "Other Resources") and the use of such materials do not create obligations and liability for SIBUR, and SIBUR has no relation to the Other Resources.

SIBUR makes no warranties or representations as to credibility, completeness, accuracy or relevance of such information on the Other Resources and is not liable for any losses or other negative consequences that may arise in connection with the use of the information published on them.

Latest news
ZapSibNeftekhim becomes first in Russia to produce maleic anhydride

The new MAN facility located at ZapSibNeftekhim in Tobolsk produced its first tonnes of commercial MAN. In late March, it was presented to Russian manufacturers of construction materials and fuel components for homologation.

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