Priority measures implemented by the Company amid the pandemic

On 10 March, SIBUR restricted, and on 16 March completely cancelled business trips of its employees.

In addition, we urged our employees to refrain from personal trips outside of their home region.

We cancelled such large-scale events as in-house sessions, training workshops, conferences, customer events, meetings with external counterparties and courier visits.

Employees who travelled abroad after 1 March or were in close contact with those who did became subject to special guidelines regarding access to offices and production facilities and were required to self-isolate for 14 days upon return.

From 18 March to 18 May, employees from the Company’s corporate headquarters and daytime workers from production facilities were sent to work from home with 100% pay, which did not affect the stability or management of production processes.

All employees were instructed on preventive measures against coronavirus. Across our sites, we introduced toughened personal hygiene requirements for employees and visitors along with mandatory health check measures.

The Company’s offices and facilities were provided with additional disinfectants and air purifiers.

For employees engaged in continuous production, SIBUR introduced a shift-camp work model, which is in line with the medical guidance.

  • Before joining a shift, all staff members were tested for COVID-19.
  • All of them, including heads of production units, who had tested negative were isolated from the outside world with their consent to live and work in a special safety environment created on site, which included dormitories, canteens offering three-time meals at the Company’s expense, convenience stores, recreational areas and first aid posts.
  • Monthly remuneration of those joining shift camps was increased by 20%.
  • To support its shift workers, the Company launched a dedicated webpage offering leisure time and personal development tips and helping employees to fill their free time after work.
  • The Company put in place dedicated sports areas providing tennis tables and treadmills, and arranged recreational zones with Wi-Fi and board games.
  • All SIBUR facilities established Family Support Centres with volunteers from among the Company’s employees helping the shift workers’ families to buy and safely deliver food, medicines, household chemicals or pet products, and to fix problems at home.
  • Ateam project was launched for employees to share their impressions of shift-camp working on social media. Stories are available on SIBUR social media under the #ShiftWorkerDiary (#ДневникВахтовика) hashtag.