In line with the approved Integrated Management System Policy for SIBUR and SIBUR Holding's facilities (on HSE, product quality and energy efficiency), the Company considers environmental safety and environmental and health protection an integral component of its operations and a strategic priority.

SIBUR is committed to ongoing comprehensive efforts aimed at reducing its environmental footprint.

For the purposes of the Company's Environmental Strategy, SIBUR introduced the ISO 14001:2015 compliant Corporate Environmental Management System (CEMS) in 2008. Its effectiveness is confirmed by annual independent audits for compliance with the ISO 14001:2015 requirements.

The CEMS enables effective management of environmental matters related to the Group's operations at all stages, from project design to production and auxiliary operations at facilities, and ensures environmental safety under both normal and emergency conditions. Ongoing improvement of the corporate management system based on the principles of vertical integration, strategic planning, resource allocation among facilities, and development of uniform corporate standards, regulations and policies, progressively enhances the CEMS performance.

Based on priority areas for environmental safety improvement, SIBUR annually reviews corporate environmental objectives and sets KPIs across all levels and functions within the Company. These objectives serve as a basis for formulating specific tasks and action plans to drive the successful implementation of the Environmental Strategy, which is part of the Integrated Management System Policy shared by all our people and followed as guidance across our production sites. Such action plans are included in dedicated annual environmental programmes at the Company's facilities.

SIBUR is also committed to meeting international environmental standards.

Integrated management system Policy of SIBUR (for health, safety and environment, quality and energy efficiency) Скачать политику

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