Energy management system

SIBUR works continuously to improve the energy efficiency of our production facilities.

We develop short- and long-term energy efficiency programmes to optimise energy use for all of our production needs. We replicate best practices to all other sites belonging to the Group.

Our energy efficiency programmes saves at least five percent of the company's utility spending annually.

An important component of this work is cultivating a culture of energy efficiency among employees. This culture is achieved by increasing awareness of energy-efficient solutions, engaging employees in energy management and encouraging everyone to contribute by conserving energy.

SIBUR has implemented an energy management system to the standard ISO 50001. The energy efficiency priorities form an integral part of SIBUR’s operations and, particularly, its Integrated Management System Policy shared by our people as guidance across our production sites.

The energy management system that we are building creates a synergy with our environmental management system and further reduces the environmental pollution associated with the production, transport and consumption of energy.

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