Integrated management system

SIBUR is committed to ongoing and sustainable growth. Among the Company’s top priorities is mitigating its environmental footprint.

To boost performance in line with global best practices, SIBUR has implemented and certified an integrated management system (IMS) in line with the requirements of the following international standards:

  • ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management),
  • ISO 9001 (Quality Management),
  • ISO 14001 (Environmental Management).

SIBUR regards the health and well-being of its staff and all stakeholders as a top priority, emphasizing it above operating achievements. In view of this, the Company has integrated an ISO 45001 compliant occupational health and safety management system into the IMS.

As SIBUR pays particular attention to its customers’ needs and expectations, ISO 9001 has been implemented to develop a management system that will serve to prevent risks to product quality and identify improvement opportunities for internal processes and the system as a whole.

In response to growing environmental and sustainable development concerns of our stakeholders, we introduced an ISO 14001 compliant system to manage environmental performance along with environmental risks in order to address the ever-tightening environmental regulations and evolving government energy efficiency policies.

The Company's Board of Directors approved the Integrated Management System Policy for SIBUR and its production sites. It is a single document representing the Company’s intentions and guidance on HSE and product quality.

IMS Policy is a benchmark for each of the Company’s employees serving as a basis to set HSE targets and shape further action to meet them.

Integrated management system Policy of SIBUR for health, safety and environment and quality. Скачать политику

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ISO 14001 Certificate SIBUR Holding PJSC pdf
ISO 9001 Certificate SIBUR Holding PJSC pdf
ISO 45001 Certificate SIBUR Holding PJSC pdf
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