SIBUR Holding views the health and well-being of its personnel and all stakeholders as its top priority, emphasising it above operating achievements. Some of our production sites fall into the category of hazardous industrial facilities, therefore ensuring safety is a major focus.

The Company considers the corporate health and safety management system (HSMS) an essential component of efficient operations control, and undertakes to manage production risks that may affect employees' health and safety or facilities' property and equipment.

The strategic goal of improving the HSMS is to ensure strong performance of the integrated health and safety management system through training people to foresee and prevent potential accidents, and enhancing production safety at the Company's facilities to bring them in line with best practices of major petrochemical companies.

To reinforce safety across production sites, the Company implements dedicated programmes to minimise injuries of the Holding's and contractors' employees, and uses an actively evolving system of workplace injury risk assessment.

The Company's health and safety strategy has been developed and approved in compliance with the government's health and safety strategy.

Integrated management system Policy of SIBUR (for health, safety and environment, quality and energy efficiency) Скачать политику

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