Programs for Children

SIBUR offers a "Sibur Kids" program to support our commitment to corporate traditions and family values and to foster the interest of our employees' children in our company and their motivation to seek employment with us when they grow up.
The Sibur Kids program includes events such as:

  • children’s arts competitions;
  • community events;
  • gifts: all children of employees under 14 years old receive New Year's gifts; and on the first day of each school year, all first-graders get schoolbags with everything they need for school.
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ZapSibNeftekhim becomes first in Russia to produce maleic anhydride

The new MAN facility located at ZapSibNeftekhim in Tobolsk produced its first tonnes of commercial MAN. In late March, it was presented to Russian manufacturers of construction materials and fuel components for homologation.

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