Awards and Honors

Non-monetary incentives are a way to note, appreciate and recognize employees' contributions to SIBUR's growth. Incentives can also help advance careers within the Company.

Employees demonstrating significant achievements receive corporate awards. On each SIBUR anniversary, the Group's highest award is presented — the "For Contribution to SIBUR" — and honorary recognitions signed by the CEO.

Governmental and societal awards are presented to employees to honor extraordinary performance that has significance beyond the company and industry. The achievements of SIBUR employees have been recognized by awards from the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Energy and the Russian Union of Chemists.

In addition, the Company’s "Best Employee of SIBUR" program recognizes employees' professional achievements and team collaboration. Traditionally, the Group’s best employees — one person from each company — are invited to SIBUR's anniversary event in Moscow, where they receive congratulations and a "Best Employee of SIBUR" golden badge from the CEO.

Each Group company holds an annual professional skills competition. Winners are awarded diplomas, memorable gifts and cash prizes.

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ZapSibNeftekhim becomes first in Russia to produce maleic anhydride

The new MAN facility located at ZapSibNeftekhim in Tobolsk produced its first tonnes of commercial MAN. In late March, it was presented to Russian manufacturers of construction materials and fuel components for homologation.

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