Sports Programs

We actively promote sports programs for employees as a way to prevent occupational and other health problems and as a tool for building a strong and healthy corporate culture. SIBUR offers its employees sports facilities, including for soccer, volleyball, ice hockey, skiing, karate and others. The company regularly hosts major corporate sporting events, such as: the SIBUR Spartakiad, the "Volga Fall" basketball and hockey games, SIBUR Ski Run, New Year's open chess tournament, a hockey tournament and an international soccer tournament. Each year, SIBUR’s best athletes compete in tournaments with other companies within the energy industry.

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ZapSibNeftekhim becomes first in Russia to produce maleic anhydride

The new MAN facility located at ZapSibNeftekhim in Tobolsk produced its first tonnes of commercial MAN. In late March, it was presented to Russian manufacturers of construction materials and fuel components for homologation.

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