Communities and society

SIBUR embraces environmental and social responsibility in its corporate strategy and is committed to making a positive impact on the regions in which it operates. SIBUR supports public sector, non-governmental and non-profit organizations that promote social infrastructure development, education, science, sports and healthy lifestyles, help vulnerable population groups and work to protect the environment.

Our Company's strategy contributes to the economic and social development of Russian regions, building local support for our business. SIBUR's contributions involve both financial support to regional initiatives and active encouragement of SIBUR employees to engage in social projects as volunteers.

The key areas of focus for SIBUR's corporate social responsibility program are:

Promoting sports and healthy lifestyles

  • In 2014, SIBUR:
    • supported the promotion of sports and healthy lifestyles in 10 regions of Russia;
    • participated in supporting and promoting more than 15 different sports;
    • provided financial support to 10 regional professional sports clubs, 13 sports schools for children and youth and 17 athletic federations and associations;
    • financed and assisted in organizing more than 70 sporting events, including various levels of competitions, exhibition games, sports shows and master classes;
    • took part in renovating more than 20 sporting facilities.
  • In a joint program with the NBA, SIBUR:
    • fully renovated three basketball courts in Voronezh (Voronezh State Institute of Physical Culture), Perm (Olympic Youth Sports School) and Togliatti (Volgar Sports Palace);
    • organized masterclasses and autograph signing sessions for children, students and our employees featuring NBA-certified trainers and the League's best players (including Horace Grant, Robert Horry, Muggsy Bogues and the Lopez brothers);
    • sponsored the street basketball tournament NBA 3X in Moscow.

Supporting science education:

  • In 2014, our program emphasising education in chemistry reached nine of Russia’s regions.
  • 15 schools, eight universities and specialized secondary schools received charitable aid.
  • SIBUR sponsored the Third All-Russian Conference of Chemistry Teachers "Russian Chemistry's Talent Pool: The School Phase," November 2-6, 2014, in Khanty-Mansiysk, which was attended by 120 persons — including some of the best teachers from 46 Russian regions, many of whom work in schools and classes sponsored by SIBUR.
  • SIBUR sponsored the 25th Mendeleev Young Scientists Conference in Houston, Texas, on April 19-25, 2015, which 97 participants from 24 Russian cities attended.

Support to vulnerable population groups

  • In 2014, SIBUR supported the all-Russian charity event "Under the Banner of Goodness" by sponsoring soccer matches in seven Russian cities.
  • In Tobolsk alone, SIBUR provided aid to 19 parents whose children require urgent and expensive medical treatment.
  • SIBUR continued its support to the Gvardeyets (guardsman) health camp in the Nizhny Novgorod region, giving 600 children from low-income families a chance to recreate and become healthier.
  • More than 20 WWII veterans' organizations in the Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Districts, Tyumen, Nizhny Novgorod and Perm Regions received financial support for their events, meetings and to support the needs of their members.

Corporate volunteering

  • For the Christmas charity event, "Discover a Santa Within You — Work a Miracle!," our employees prepared gifts and organized festivities for 683 children from orphanages, shelters, rehabilitation centers and boarding schools in Voronezh, Krasnodar, Kstovo, Nizhnevartovsk, Perm, Togliatti, Tobolsk and Tomsk.
  • Before September 1, the first day of school, our employees joined the charity event "Help Kids Get Ready for School" and sent personal aid packages containing clothes and all essential school supplies to more than 300 refugee children from Ukraine and low-income families to help them prepare for the new academic year.

Regional development

  • In 2014, our program reached nine regions of Russia.
  • The focus of our support has been on 16 social infrastructures, as well as the organization and implementation of more than 26 major, socially relevant activities.
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